Online mind mapping software

Via Matt Wilson I came across – a site for making mind maps, if you are into that kind of thing.

Reasonably easy to use but the interface is possibly a little too clever. I’d have liked a pen tool to allow me to draw links between bubbles and a little more flexibility with respect to what can be linked to what.

As you can see below, my mind is pretty empty!

6 thoughts on “Online mind mapping software”

  1. Recently i came across mindomo ( and i was amazed by the rich functionality it offers.

  2. I find the new version of Freemind not bad, it is not really out dated as you say, but it is more for large institutions like schools and companies. Now, there is a tool to export to Java and Flash, which can be used on your website. Really intuitive I would say. However, I always believe in alternatives so I use all sorts of software.

  3. There are more than several online mind mapping software such as,, and Mindomo and Comapping are good tools with more features. I experienced using them.

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