Saw this when playing with WikiScanner this afternoon – someone in Ryanair edited a Wikipedia article on Dublin’s Southside to say that Eamon DeValera was a crook!

Ryanair thinks Eamon De Valera is a crook?

Poor Eamon will be turning in his grave!

2 responses to “Ryanair thinks Eamon DeValera is a crook?”

  1. Pete Connolly avatar

    You mean he wasn’t! 🙂 Only joking, Dev had a bit of a bad name in our family. Before my Da died he wrote some stuff about the War of Independence and the Civil War which I put here: It might be interesting to someone.

  2. Jonathan Bruce avatar

    I’m not sure too many people would disagree with the assertion that Dev was a crook. Was it not a crime to plunge Ireland into a neo-Catholic state that set it back into the stone ages that until this day we still find our selves trying to shake loose?

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